
Not short for Cleopatra, albeit I would never shy away from the opportunity to be your Queen. You see me, often described as a statuesque beauty. Assembled with long legs which kiss each other with every step I take, and a striking surface often engendering passersby to offer their remarks. In the past, these observations would highlight a demure Cleo. But the Cleo I introduce you to today is unabashed regarding her frame. I treasure my long legs, warm tone, and spirited smile. I anticipate learning your favorite page in the chapter of me.

Yes, my beauty will seduce you but my nature will captivate you. I have an innate craving to be in tune with those I choose to be close with. The tales you lock away, the desires you wouldn’t dare utter…  I’m here to listen to it all.  

My love of music, art, and insatiable wanderlust will ensure we are never idle. I sing, I paint and love entering the trance that is creating. Let's make shapes, sounds, and beautiful memories hand in hand.
